Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Android Package Manager

BT is broken on my Galaxy Nexus (JB 4.2.1) when connecting to my Audi - around 40% of the time it refuses to pair and the phone needs a reboot to establish a connection  Sadly, I am almost always trying to call someone when it fails and so I never had time to whip out a USB cable and grab the log. Turning to the Android Play store, I downloaded a bunch of apps that promised logcat extraction with a single click.

But the apps didn't work.


We turn to stack-overflow (really need to buy shares in this company - its second on my search radar to Google these days) and find this and this explaining the background to what is going on - basically, permissions to read the logs by an application have been revoked (and are now only accessible to a system application). Aha - now I recall hearing about this.

Trying to hack around the removal of android.permission.READ_LOGS from Jellybean as follows...

adb shell pm grant <pkg> android.permission.READ_LOGS

...but an for some reason the console package manager / pm application in the Nexus device does not match the one built from src in the AOSP Android source code. Specifically, the "grant" function is missing from the help (adb shell pm).
adb shell pm grant
Error: unknown command 'grant'

Checking the code for the pm console command, it seemed unusual to have a such a core function have a significantly different command set in a Google production phone compared to the AOSP src - lets dig into what is going on here.


A bunch of commands that run from the shell in Android are implemented in Java. These 'console' apps can call directly into the core Android framework with out jumping through hoops, allowing them to talk to the framework APIs. An incomplete list of the apps on JellyBean 4.2 that run in this way is below:

am, backup, bmgr, bootanimation, bu, bugreport, content, ime, input, installd, ip-up-vpn, pm, rawbu, requestsync, screencap, screenshot, service, servicemanager, settings, svc, system_server

When invoked from the console, these console apps are actually a shell script that invokes the "app_process" command, pointing at the Java package to execute. In this package, a familiar "main()" function is used as an entry point in the Java application who then parses the command line and does some work.

Shell script example that invokes the pm application is below (copied into /system/bin/pm):

# Script to start "pm" on the device, which has a very rudimentary
# shell.
export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/pm.jar
exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.pm.Pm "$@"

Example of main from cmds/pm/src/com/android/commands/pm/Pm.java - simply parsing the command line arguments and calling functions in the package manager (or user manager) via binder (IPC to another process).

public static void main(String[] args) {
    new Pm().run(args);
public void run(String[] args) {
    boolean validCommand = false;
    if (args.length < 1) {
    mUm = IUserManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("user"));
    mPm = IPackageManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("package"));
    mArgs = args;
    String op = args[0];
    mNextArg = 1;
   if ("grant".equals(op)) {


Because the pm application is just a Java app,, stored on the Android file system, we can pull this file off and take a look at what differences it has compared to the AOSP version. I used a Galaxy Nexus here with firmware 4.2.1:
adb pull /system/framework/pm.jar
jar -xf pm.jar
ls -al 
gave a single directory, META-INF containing the Java manifest.

Note: as .JAR files are simply ZIP files (with a few caveats), you can rename it to .zip if your a windows user and open it right up, or use the 'jar' application if the have the JDK installed from either Windows or Linux. Triple checking using Windows showed that it did indeed contain just an empty manifest.

What is missing here is the src code (aka the classes.dex) file that implements the pm.jar. AHA. Of course, the Galaxy Nexus is using a "user" image for production and so it contains a pre-generated odex file (Optimized DEX) and leaves an empty .jar file in place (for a reason I never fully followed - I suspect some check in Dalvik needs to see its there).

For completeness / cross check this, grabbing a copy of /system/framework/pm.jar from a debug arm-v7-neon "eng" config, built from the AOSP, then running the same command on it gives me the expected dex file (dalvik bytecode or "binary java").


Using the dex2jar tool (http://code.google.com/p/dex2jar/) to convert to a standard Sun style jar file, then unpacking the classes.dex file:

./dex2jar- classes.dex
jar -xf classes_dex2jar.jar
cd com/android/commands/pm/
ls -al
 unsurprisingly lists the class files that make up this app, as we'd expect:
OK - so we'll grab the /system/framework/pm.odex file from the Galaxy Nexus. To deodex an ODEX file, we use baksmali as such:

./baksmali -a 17 -d yakju-jop40d/sys/framework -x pm.odex

Note that '17' is the API level used in JB 4.2, the framework dir is from /system/framework on the device (adb pull /system/framework) and of course, pm.odex is taken from the device.

The output is put into: out/com/android/commands/pm/

Looking at the Pm.smali file and searching for "grant", we find this in the showUsage function (that gets invoked whenever the command syntax is wrong):
.line 1471
sget-object v0, Ljava/lang/System;->err:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
const-string v1, "       pm grant PACKAGE PERMISSION"
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Ljava/io/PrintStream;->println(Ljava/lang/String;)V


So the question remains - how is the "grant" help code missing from the console app on the Galaxy Nexus?

To Be Continued... 

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